Excuse me?
NekkidBoy and family sat down to eat lunch. At the end, Mommy Person gave NekkidBoy some blueberry yogurt and a spoon.
Nekkid Boy eyed the yogurt and figured it was probably safe to eat since Big Daddy was slurping it up too.
He ate a few spoonfuls but soon grew bored with the whole experience. Until.... Big Daddy let out a big BURP!!
Big Daddy: *BURP*
Nekkid Boy: Excuse me
Big Daddy: Excuse me
Nekkid Boy: Excuse ME
Big Daddy: No, no. Excuse me
Nekkid Boy: Excuse MEeeee
Big Daddy: No, no, really. Excuse ME.
Nekkid Boy: Excuse Nekkid Boy. Excuse Momma.
Big Daddy: What about....
Nekkid Boy: Excuse Baby Burp!
Nekkid Boy: Excuse yogurt!