The adventures of a terrible two year old super hero and his life escaping the wiles of his nemesis, Baby Burp, and his arch enemy, Mommy Person. Based on the real life of a mom and her children.
cute pic! believe it or not, my son used to play "nekkid boy" when he was 2. He would run around with no diaper, find any reflective surface or innocent bystander, pull up his shirt & scream "NEKKID BOYEEEEE!" I actually kinda miss those days.
did he make any mud pies? What a cutie!!
Love this! topic, color, mud on leg and face...the whole shot is wonderful... good job!
Happy Wordless Wednesday
What sort of a mess is he going to make????
Boy + mud = FUN FUN FUN!!!
Ours is up if you want to stop by...
looks like fun!! :)
happy WW
Love this!
The mud is much more fun than the swimming pool! Any 2 year old knows that.
Was it about mud that they love so much? (smile) My little fella always runs his cars through stuff like this, too.
Thanks for sharing! Cute!
cute pic! believe it or not, my son used to play "nekkid boy" when he was 2. He would run around with no diaper, find any reflective surface or innocent bystander, pull up his shirt & scream "NEKKID BOYEEEEE!" I actually kinda miss those days.
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