
Nekkid Boy's Big Escape

Objective: Escape evil lair of MommyPerson and Big Daddy

Nekkid Boy took care to locate his captors. Big Daddy was working studiously on battle strategies playing XCom on his computer in the bedroom. MommyPerson was providing nourishment to Baby Burp in the back room.

Nekkid Boy slowly made his way to the front of evil lair. He stopped off in his room and loaded up his Little Tykes shopping cart. After trying to shove it over the door threshold and into the hallway with no success, he abandoned his supplies of Disney cellphones, various balls and his stuffed puppy dog.

Instead, he headed to the front door.

He reached up and flipped the bolt lock.

He turned the door knob and opened the door.

He pushed the screen door and it opened with the greatest of ease.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Big Daddy swooped down, grabbed Nekkid Boy up and closed the door.

It was a near escape for Nekkid Boy.

MommyPerson made a special trip to Lowes and is installing a new bolt on the door that's at the top and completely out of Nekkid Boy's reach.

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